About Management Talk


Management Talk is a management resource company established with the following objectives:

Management Talk endeavors to achieve the above with the following:

Customer Relationship Management
Making management concepts simple and easy to understand for practitioners and students of management.
Customer Management India
Making management concepts easy to implement for organizations.
Customer Management India
Provide motivational seminars to enhance the understanding of management concepts as well as motivate business executives.
Customer Management India
Provide management executives and students various tools which not only assist them in understanding management concepts easily but which also serve as effective reminder tools.

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Quickly build your self confidence before stressful events


Before presentations, meetings, social events - whatever stresses you out - relax deeply to this self confidence building session and feel your confidence levels soar!

The Quick Confidence Booster will lead you through a powerful hypnotic rehearsal, preparing your mind and body to respond the way you want.

So instead of nerves making you self conscious, stumble over your words, or perform below par, you'll do yourself justice wherever you find yourself.

All you need to do is pop on your headphones at your computer, or plug into your CD or mp3 player.

You will listen to a short introduction designed to shift your thinking about confidence, and then experience a wonderfully relaxing, self confidence building hypnosis session that will dramatically increase your faith in your own abilities and improve your performance in the situation itself.
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These Qualities considerably increase your odds of winning

Positive attitudes
Hard work
Giving oneself to others.
With a little self-confidence, success minded motivation, a little creativity, a winner’s attitude, some effective communication and positive thinking, properly organized; we can make order and clarity out of any chaotic set of circumstances.
You might ask " Why has this guy, Dan, assembled this piece of literature and given it to me? It’s very simple-I thought you might like to read it! If I can give something to someone that may help them enjoy life a little bit more, why shouldn’t I? If we all could give a little more than we take, we all would reap the rewards and be much better off.
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If You Must Be Angry, Then First

Be angry:
1. with the right person
2. to the right degree
3. at the right time
4. for the right purpose
5. in the right way

Remember, we are all creatures of emotion. First, ask
yourself why they did what they did.

1. Forgiveness takes away guilt.
2. Forgetting takes away the obsession
3. When we think of our own need for forgiveness, it becomes easy to forgive others.
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Positive Avoid

Emotions | Negative Emotions
1. Desire | 1. Fear
2. Faith | 2. Jealousy
3. Love | 3. Hatred
4. Enthusiasm | 4. Revenge
5. Romance | 5. Greed
6. Hope | 6. Anger

The six (6) things people fear most:
1. Poverty
2. Criticism
3. Poor health
4. Loss of love of someone
5. Old age
6. Death

Recognizing these facts may help us to understand
human nature and give reasons for what we ultimately
do in our lives.
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In Business, If We Are To Remain Interesting And Informed, We Should

1. Regularly read a good business newspaper (select only pertinent articles, save time).
2. Read at least one business magazine per week.
3. Read trade association magazines and good books in the field of your interest. Make full use of the data obtained.
4. Try to read six inspirational and self-improvement books per year.
5. Talk to other business people as much as possible.
6. Listen to business people as much as possible.
7. Observe and keep current on business procedures and conditions.

Eight (8) things we all want and need:
1. Health and the preservation of life.
2. Food.
3. Sleep.
4. Life in the hereafter.
5. The well-being of our children.
6. Money and things money will buy
7. A feeling of importance and appreciation.
8. Sexual gratification.
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How to think creatively

1. Find new ways of doing things.
2. Believe it can be done and you’ll find a way; nothing is impossible.
3. Welcome new ideas; be receptive.
4. Soak up good ideas.
5. Ask yourself "How can I do it better?
6. Your mind has an endless memory capacity, use it!
7. Do what you do better, and do more of what you do.
8. If you want something done, give it to a busy man or women; these people do things decisively and quickly (they don’t have time not to).
9. Encourage others to talk, this way, you receive new information.
10. Test your ideas by saying "What will make this work?
11. Listen, concentrate, and emulate what other people are saying.
12. Expose yourself to ideas of intelligent others.
13. Don’t let ideas escape, write them down.
14. Present your ideas in writing, they have more power.
15. Mix with people of different occupational and social interest.
16. Do it!
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Dressing for success characteristics include


1. Looking the part - the appropriate attire for the event.
2. Good grooming- be clean and fresh, hair brushed, clean shaven, don’t sweat, have clean nails, and no gum, check zippers and buttons, shoes are
3. Good posture - sit up straight, don’t slouch, be pleasant, alert and interested.
4 Know what you are going to say;
5. Be confident and tactful; don’t show nervousness or uneasiness.
6. Be mature, courteous; don’t condemn or be negative.
7. Look them in the eyes and be decisive.
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Confidence Building

1. Confidence is acquired.
2. Preparation develops it.
3. Action cures fear. Fear is indecision and postponement.

A. Dealing with fear:
1) Identify it.
2) Admit it.
3) Accept it.
4) Deal with it accordingly.
(Confront and take action/ or cure.)

B. Recognize fear as constructive and positive, it
was given for your own protection and your
own good.
4. Deposit only positive thoughts in your memory.
5. Withdraw only positive thoughts from your memory:

Words to Forget
I can’t
I’ll try
I, me, my
I have to
Should have
Could have
If only
Yes, but

Words to Remember
I can
I will
You, your
I want to
Will do
My goal
Next time
I understand

6. Avoid doing anything that makes you ask your self, Will I get caught?
7. In order to think confidently, you must act confident.
8. Don’t be afraid to:
A. Sit up front when possible.
B. Make eye contact.
C. Walk 25% faster than average people. (Act with a purpose.)
D. Speak up when you have something to say.
E. Smile big.
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Time Saving Tips

Be aware of time thieves around you:

1. Lack of motivation
2. Mistakes-my own
3. Failure to listen
4. Mistakes of others
5. Indecision
6. Poor planning
7. Lack of self-discipline
8. Unclear goals
9. Conflicting priorities
10. Procrastination
11. Lack of delegation
12. Poor communication
13. Unwillingness to say no
14. Lack of procedure
15. Cluttered workspace
16. Equipment failure
17. Interruptions
18. Meetings
19. Waiting for answers
20. Socializing
21. Shifting priorities
22. Unreal time estimates
23. Over-involvement with details
24. Junk mail
25. Red tape
26. Low company morale
27. Peer demands
28. Civic activities
29. Over-sleeping
30. Negative attitudes
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Personal Magnetism:
1. The hand-shake
2. Tone of voice
3. Posture and carriage of the body.
4. Vibrations of thought (idea conveyance).
5. Body adornment.

We are what we think we are:
1. Others see, in us what we think of ourselves.
2. How you think determines how you act and how others react to you.
3. Look important, it helps you think important.
4. Dress right, it always pays
5. The sharper you look, the sharper you will be. (A pencil, when sharpened, has a clear defined point and writing is easily read, but a dull pencil is just that, (Dull)
6. Pay twice as much and get half as many; example, 2 fine suits are much nicer, last longer, and look better than 4 cheap ones.
7. If you think of yourself in poor situations, that is what you will get.
8. Think of yourself as sharp, clean, together, intelligent, informed, and interesting, and that is what you will be.
9. I’m short: Practice uplifting self-praise, not belittling self-punishment, think more of your self, and there is more of you.
10. Be self improving in academics, family and friends. Make progress in changing bad habits, eliminating negativism, and wasting time. What you spend the most time on is, "what and who you are going to be".
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In Business, We Could Try To

1. Be professional, follow procedures, don’t be lazy.
2. Improve communication skills. (Keep people informed).
3. Avoid procrastinating. (Maintain control and be effective. Plan and carry-out tasks.)
4. Improve delegating skills. (give authority and responsibility to others.)
5. Maintain orderly forms, applications, desks and files.
6. Have a sense of humor, not too much.
7. Emphasize long-range relationships.
8. Have wide ranges of conversation; don’t be narrow-minded.
9. Be able to absorb criticism objectively and constructively.
10. Be on time for all appointments; give honest reasons for being late.
11. Always express appreciation for the time of the people you deal with.
12. Improve reasoning abilities.
13. Increase self-reliance, enthusiasm, initiative, self-control, charm, thinking, concentration of effort.
14. Master persistence, will power, ambition, and memory.
15. Always act with a definiteness of purpose.
16. Think positive on our jobs, this determines how our subordinates think toward their jobs-set the example.
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Manage A Bad Boss


Bad supervisors come in a variety of models. For example, there’s the Micromanager who nitpicks about the font size in your e-mails, there’s the Royal Pain who treats you like a personal assistant, there’s the Office Politician who takes credit for all your hard work, and there’s the Lead Grunt who was only promoted because of seniority and shoots down any attempt at change. When you manage a bad boss, it pays to know which model stands before you. No matter what the specific flaws are, bad bosses all have one thing in common: they can’t be ignored. Complying with your supervisor’s abusive behavior or working around incompetent decisions is tantamount to saying that these poor management techniques work on you, and it’s only a matter of time before this affects your health and self-esteem. Here are five tips to help you when you manage a bad boss.

Always keep your cool

No matter how frustrated you get when you have to manage a bad boss, it’s important that you remain calm and composed at all times. Getting angry in front of your employer or your colleagues makes you look like the bad guy, and it may affect your professional reputation. Keep in mind that people usually don’t realize that they’re being bad bosses; a simple, non-confrontational observation is often all that’s needed to make them reconsider their approach. If your supervisor is of the Royal Pain variety, try casually repeating his or her unreasonable request as if to confirm it: “You’d like me to find your daughter a camel for her birthday before six o’clock tonight?”
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Timeless Management Laws


Whether you’re the CEO of a fortune 500 company, the owner of a small business or a floor supervisor at a telemarketing firm, being the boss is never easy. To quote Spider-Man’s late uncle: “With great power comes great responsibility.” Of course, the specific nature of your managerial responsibilities may vary, depending on your field of expertise and the organizational structure of your company, but some aspects of leadership remain universal, such as timeless management laws. And, no matter what industry you’re in, your duty as a manager is to motivate your employees and provide them with the tools they need to get the job done. Here are five timeless management laws that have stood the test of time.
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How To Negotiate Like A Pro

Life is one negotiation after another, though too few of us are equipped for battle. Formidable deal-makers like Warren Buffett, Bill Clinton and sports agent Scott Boras tend to be born, not made.

Yet, talk to negotiating pros from the worlds of government, finance and media and they'll admit there is at least some science to this art. Winning every point is rarely an option, of course, but if you keep a few principles in mind, you can tilt things in your favor -- whether you're signing a peace treaty or just angling for a raise.
If you remember one thing about negotiating, it should be this: It's not the maneuvering once you're in the trenches, but rather the preparation before sitting down at the table that counts.

That means taking the time to define what you want, what you are willing to accept and at what point you will walk away. It also means doing enough research to know what the other side wants -- and how far they are willing to go to get it.

“The most important information deals with the other side -- what drives them, how they measure success and what are their strengths and weaknesses," says Mladen Kresic, founder of K&R Negotiation Associates, a Ridgefield, Connecticut-based consultancy, and author of Negotiate Wisely in Business and Technology.

Richard Shell, a professor at the Wharton School of Business and author of The Art of Woo, about persuasive selling tactics, takes that notion a step further. “Know your own strengths and weaknesses,” he says. "By that, I mean know the kinds of negotiations that you enjoy and are good at -- and what ones are going to trip you up and make you anxious."
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Office Party Survival Guide

Have you heard the one about the computer technician who inadvertently insulted his supervisor’s wife at the office party? He was fired the next day for “low productivity.” How about the one about the accountant who spent the entire evening making out with the hot new intern and became the focus of office gossip for the next six weeks?

Though companies organize office parties to reward their workers and boost employee morale, these social events can quickly turn into career death traps if you’re not careful. Remember: if it’s company-sponsored, then it’s a business function, and that means you have to be on your best behavior. Don’t you wish you had an office party survival guide?

Today’s your lucky day; here’s our office party survival guide, complete with five tips that could save your ass.
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Babe-Rich Industries


It seems the office is the new place to be when it comes to meeting women. According to a Harris Interactive survey, 18% of new couples are found in the workplace -- and with modern women investing more into their careers, that number is likely to continue rising. Taking into account various factors, such as warm personalities, emphasis on physical appearances and a high percentage of female workers, we’ve assembled the top 10 babe-rich industries. You might just reconsider your career choice.
  1. Airline industry

  2. Sales
  3. Restaurant industry

  4. Banking
  5. Publishing

  6. Communications
  7. Fitness

  8. Cosmetics
  9. Event coordination

  10. Fashion

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Balancing Work And Life


Today, more than ever, life moves at an impossible pace. The one-hour commute to work and two-hour drive back; the 7:00 a.m. start time and 6:30 p.m. calling-it-quits time; the lunch meetings, the 200 e-mails a day and the constant stress of not being there for your family contribute to the difficulties of balancing work and life. Meeting the demands at home while maintaining a career can, at times, seem as difficult as riding a horse without a saddle. The eight-hour day is long gone and a tough pill to swallow is realizing that your personal life is just as demanding as your professional one.

When do you get a break? When do you stop and think? When do you realize enough is enough? Men are supposed to be the breadwinners, the head of the table, the ones who control the family -- the patriarchs. Nowadays, however, men are seemingly losing their grip at home. Of course, not everyone is in this position, but whether you are or you’re not, we have some tips to help you reconnect with the ones closest to you and help you with that daunting task of balancing work and life.
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What Your Desk Says About You


The accepted aesthetic of the modern office have unfolded and changed through the generations as dramatically as the typewriter’s evolution into the desktop PC. Few employers continue to force draconian, sterile environments upon their people; they now encourage flexibility, comfort and personal expression at work -- a concession that’s best proved by the personalization of your desk.

Now, that’s all very well -- thank goodness our days are no longer spent staring at Bartleby’s “dead-wall” -- but while corporate policy may have changed, human nature has not. This means that what your desk says about you will serve as the basis for what others will think about you.

You see, your desk is where your boss hovers over your shoulder, where clients will wait for your return and where your peers will judge you as they leave the office for lunch. As the rookie in the office, you may want to carefully consider what your desk says about you, but that’s not to say that the oldest veteran is free to express his inner salsa dancer. The calculated management of your workspace and the careful consideration of what your desk says about you are imperative if you seek to impress.

We've compiled some suggestions to help you make sure that what your desk says about you is positive.
Photographs of family and friends are perhaps the most common desktop embellishments. These are also the items that your scruples will least let you compromise to further your career -- and rightly so. What your desk says about you when pictures are present can market you at work as aptly as a great resume or your best sales pitch. A wedding photo or a tasteful snapshot of you with your girlfriend or wife on vacation last summer proves to those around you that you are capable of managing complex relationships over long periods of time. Similarly, a portrait of your kid -- or even a niece, nephew or godchild -- projects you as well rooted. Displaying the fact that you have responsibilities outside of work that rely on your gainful employment reminds your boss that such people are the least likely to risk jumping ship down the line.
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Reasons Not To Become A Doctor

No one ever said being a doctor was easy. School and training go on seemingly forever, and once graduation arrives, doctors work long hours and are faced with life-and-death decisions daily.

There were once rewards. For decades, doctors earned hefty paychecks, had autonomy and respect. Those benefits are fading, and as a result, so is the number of doctors. Within the next 15 years, the United States will experience a shortage of between 90,000 to 200,000 physicians, according to the recently published Will the Last Physician in America Please Turn Off the Lights: A Look at America's Looming Doctor Shortage.

The American Medical Association recognizes there are shortages in certain geographic areas and in certain specialties. Part of that is due to the aging population and a stagnant number of medical school applicants.

Bigger reasons not to become a doctor

There are, however, other significant reasons not to become a doctor. They include the increasing costs of medical malpractice coverage, higher practice costs, lower insurance reimbursement rates and insurance-company restrictions resulting in less autonomy over how patients are cared for.

Insurance cutting into salary

Insurance has become a loaded word. One-third of the country is insured by Medicare, and over the next nine years, the government program plans to cut payments to physicians by about 40%, while practice costs are projected to increase 20%, according to the American Medical Association. The first of those cuts will take place in July, when the reimbursement rate to doctors will drop by 10.6%. The next cut of 5% will occur in January.

Medical school enrollment is down

The Association of American Medical Colleges projects that America needs a 30% annual increase in medical-school enrollment in order to keep up with need for doctors. In 2012, compared with 2002, medical-school enrollment will be up 21%.

The future of medicine

Doctors have to practice defensive medicine, and their insurance rates are so high," says Matray. "But rates are leveling off and coming down right now. However, if history repeats itself, they will go up in a few years. A lot of doctors right now are not encouraging their kids to be doctors."
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